
Showing posts from March, 2023

1801006013 Short case

A 40 year old female patient ,hotel owner, resident of Narketpalli came with chief complaints of… Increased heartbeat since 6 months Breathlessness since 6 months HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back then she developed palpitations which were sudden onset, gradually progressive and develops under stress, heavy work. It lasts for 2 to 3 min and relives on rest . Since the last 2 to 3 months she complains of increased frequency and intensity of palpitations. She also complains of breathlessness ( shortness of breath) since 6 months and it was gradually progressive from grade 1 (6 months back)to 3 (presently)and it relieves on rest. Patient also has fainting attacks , headache when there is delay in food intake or prolonged standing and it gets relieved on taking rest or food. PAST HISTORY Not a known case of Diabetes, Hypertension, Asthma, Tuberculosis,Epilepsy, Thyroid disorders. Has acidity from past 15 years. She develops burning sensation in

1801006013 Long case

  13 year old female student from suryapet came to the OPD with chief complaints of Vomitings on Monday night breathlessness since 1 day  History of present illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic before 2020 Then she Developed multiple swellings in the neck bilaterally,no pain, firm in consistency,  7 to 8 in number. She also had fever insidious, intermittent, no night rise of temperature, relieved with medication  dolo 3 tid She also had cough ,dry cough, non productive, no hemoptysis ,relieved with medication from rmp (cough syrup). She had all these symptoms for 2 to 3 months  They consulted rmp and he gave them medication probably att because her mother has tuberculosis  Swellings size decreased and symptoms were relieved. But the fever was progressively increasing despite regular treatment so they told rmp about it and stopped it. And rmp suggested them to go for checkup in hospital and they went to hospital in Hyderabad and got tested (fnac,cancer tests, tb tests, mantoux,

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